Thursday, July 21, 2016

We are gathering for the last ever Aebleskiver Rally

It is a memorial rally for Cat Siegelaar who was the organizer of this rally for several years, but passed away suddenly this last November. 

We gathered for a low key dinner this first evening at Pea Soup Andersen's. I took this picture, but I have no idea of what they are supposed to be doing.

However, it is obvious that these local urchins are splitting peas. Personally, I'd rather be splitting lanes.

The front of the restaurant.

They have been here for awhile.

This is the top of the trunk of Jim's bike.

Jim had a very special custom paint job done for Cat's bike.

It is absolutely beautiful. Sadly, she never got to ride it.

Part of our motel room amenities is a free breakfast at Olsen's Bakery

A few of our healthy choices.

It is California, and this lovely couple walked through the door.

No doubt about it!

Sherm is rushing to take a picture before the guard (you can see him behind the gate) runs us all off. This is the entrance to Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

It sure would be fun to ride in there and look around. This might be a great place for one of those drones.

Taken alongside the road bordering the ranch.

Just down the road we saw this film crew about to take pictures of a motorcycle stunt.

The bikes appear to be ready to go

Speaking of drones

We rode off after waiting for a few minutes. The last guys in our group started to drive off (they were in a car) but they could see some action starting so they stayed and actually got to see the stunt performed.

Each of the winery's in the area have something to draw your attention to them.

This one had a bunch of animals heading to the tasting room.

This guy looks extra thirsty.

Next stop was the lavender farm

Melanie getting ready to chug her bottle of lavender lemonade. Jamie can't wait to watch!

Look at Wompas buying prissy lavender stuff! :)

I love this old oak tree. Check out the power pole holding up the limb.

The tree is growing around the top of the pole.

The son of the lavender farm's owner is giving us a talk about raising, harvesting, and processing lavender.

He did say that the still was not suitable for more interesting products

Front porch of the sales office

I like the glow this tree appeared to have 

The small lavender plants in this picture were just planted this year.

Everyone from the rally except for Pop Pop, Howard, Linda, and Tony D.

We then headed out to StageCoach Rd. and the Cold Springs Tavern for lunch.

Built back in the 1800's and used to be a stage stop

A very small flow going through this gully today.

On the way to Cold Springs we almost made a wrong turn. It looked so interesting that I went back alone and rode it until i thought I might not make it back.

As it turned out, it was a beautiful ride......

......down an old country road.

This guy has been there for awhile. I might be able to get a good deal on her.

Is that mistletoe?

l love this high chaparral landscape

neat bridge

Lake Cachuma is sure getting low

The flood gates are open, but no flood

The lakes level will need to rise at least 50' just to get to the bottom of the flood gates. 5 years of drought.

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