Saturday, May 14, 2016

I started the day excited to see some new things....

.......I was going to see the Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, NM again but......

........rode out to Santa Rosa Lake instead.

Some guy hauling a bike from Wickenburg, AZ showed. Only thirty miles from where I started out.

This is a 3600 acre lake. Pretty good size for being in the desert.

It was created by damming the Pecos River.

In Texas I stopped by Cadillac Row

I'm not sure if that is what it is called but it is a row of old Cadillacs stuck in the ground.

Pretty sure it was either Sherm or Skid that painted them.

As I got closer to Oklahoma this F5 tornado appeared out of no where. I stopped real quick and put on my armored riding gear, but couldn't find my gloves and had to get back on my bike and start riding again as the wind was blowing so hard that the bike was about to blow over. It wasn't much better once I was riding as the bike was scraping the pegs while riding down the road in a straight line. I tried different speeds but it didn't make much difference. I was doing about 70 miles per hour when I crested this little hill and the road turned white. It was white from the 4" of hail laying on the road. As soon as I hit the hail the bike slipped out from under me and miraculously the tornado sucked me into the air before I hit the ground and scratched my Wing. There were all sorts of things flying around me including softball hail that kept hitting me. I saw an old wooden outhouse fly by, some little girl yelling Toto, and a blue and white Harley that was leaking oil all over the clouds. Finally the winds calmed and I started to fall from the sky rather fast. I was thinking that this wasn't going to end too well when I hit the ground. Fortunately there was now over ten feet of hail there and it broke my fall. I was thinking how in the world am I going to get my bike out of here when a strike of lightning hit nearby and melted all of the hail. As it turned out I fell out of the sky just a couple miles from my friends Scott and Margo. Now you may think that this is a bit of a tall tail, but the truth is, the storm I got caught in was actually much worse. 

This is a picture of the Harley I saw in the tornado. Actually, it belongs to a nice rancher I met that led me out to his ranch, said goodbye, then sent me into that awful storm.

After the storm, I was soaked completely through. Even my wallet got it.

For years I have wanted to stop by casa Hotsauce, but always was just a little off my route to make it work. Scott and Margo invited me again and this time I made it.

Scott is a very accomplished BBQ'r. He had prepared some pork cuts that were out of this world. Add to that some sweet potato fries, a coleslaw with zing, and I cleaned the plate so clean it didn't even need to be washed. Sorry I didn't take pics of the food, but after the storm I was so hungry I couldn't wait to eat. :)

What a neat place they have.

Where the BBQ masterpieces are created.

Their home sits on four acres out in the country.

It came with a giant pole barn 

a well built and cozy home

and most important, a great shop.

When I left, Scott rode with me and led me to this pretty sport.

That orange thing is a giant rock. If I had the energy I would have walk down river a few yards and been able to see three waterfalls that are about 10' tall and 20' wide, but I'm getting old and though better of it.

A little different angle. Thank you Scott and Margo for your generous hospitality and the fun visit!

I staying at a very high class motel tonight. Thinking about taking a swim........should I or shouldn't I?


  1. That blue and white harley looked just like my 08 Ultra!!

  2. That blue and white harley looked just like my 08 Ultra!!

  3. That was one helluva storm!!! And how'd you get out of the house with all that cash???
